Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1st Floor Stone Grout

This week's progress was the stone floors on the 1st floor were finished up with grout. It makes a significant difference to the appearance of the floor to not see all the crevices around each stone. Once its cleaned up and sealed its going to look awesome. The builder did a great job of putting the stone down. It is all nice and level which was a bit of challenge considering that every stone was a different thickness and had varying degrees of thickness on each stone.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Parting Shot 9-4-11

Finishing Windows

This past weekend we spent three days painting windows and doors. Its not an easy process when you have to apply two coats and it takes sometimes 24hours for them to dry. We hope to finish up with the exterior doors this weekend just in time for the interior doors to arrive. Having finished painting a few windows, we were able to remove some of the protective coatings from the windows giving us a view of the future.

Outside Entries

Over the past two weeks, the concrete pads around the house were poured at all the entries. They give the house a much more finished look and will soon be covered in Pennsylvania blue stone like the first floor interior.