Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Its been a few weeks since I have posted about the progress on the house. I've not really felt like there has been much progress. I have to say its one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. Living over 2 hours away and only going up on weekends to check out what's going on takes its toll after over 16 months and counting. After having been told the house would be ready in two weeks a little over a week ago, we went up this past weekend with high hopes there would be a lot of progress and that the builder had kicked it up a notch. Not true. The electrician/plumber did not show up again and the builder basically worked on a few projects around the house completing not one. Here's what got done this past week: the master bathroom was finally grouted after having been started over two months ago, stone was laid on the main entrance landing and one of the landings of the french doors (the other landing was started but not completed.) The screen porch and side door landing are still to go. Shelves were put up in the kitchen but not really completed with supports, etc. Check out the pics...

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