Sunday, February 19, 2012

Settling In

I realize its been quite a while since my last post, but that doesn't mean that there's not been things going on. Over the past several weeks we have been visiting almost every weekend and working on projects inside the house. Its really been too cold to do much outside and when you think its going to be a warm, sunny day, the clouds roll in and it rains, snows, or just gets too cold to be outside. The interior decorating of the house is taking shape and we are quite pleased with its progress. Every week we add something new. One wall I've been planning for over a year now and that was finally put into place, is the collection of antique augers that I've been accumulating while shopping for the house. I started with about five that I found at a small antique store on the way to the house, and since then the collection has grown to fourteen thanks to not only my shopping but some that were given to me by special friends and family. The collection was carefully hung on the stairwell so that it can be viewed from the second floor balcony.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


By the time the long New Year's weekend was over, the temperature had dropped to 25 degrees and it had started to snow. We left the house(and the roads) covered in a beautiful snowfall.

Welcome to Steel Nest!

Every weekend getaway has to have a name. Ours is inspired by the location of the house and the metal siding that clads half of the outside. The name became apparent when we lucked upon this painting by Mitchell Lonas at the Blue Spiral Gallery in Asheville, NC in December of 2010. It now hangs just inside the main entry to the house. Mitchell Lonas' nest series of paintings can also be seen in the Twilight movie series (Breaking Dawn) inside the Cullen house.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Additional Photos

New Year - New House!

It was a long New Year's weekend and we were finally able to settle into the house. We arrived on Thursday night with a small truckload of additional furniture and household items and immediately got to work. The first order of business was hooking the range up. It came without an electric plug and that was first on the list as we had planned to cook dinner that first night. Two hours later and we were happily enjoying a pizza and salad in our new retreat. Over the course of the next few days, we were able to unpack everything, organize the kitchen, hang artwork, arrange furniture, and clean up the yard. We were even able to have friends over on Saturday morning for a welcoming champagne toast to the new place. There are still things to bring up and a short list of items to acquire, but as with any house, it will always be a work in progress.