Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Parting Shot 11-14-10

This week we had high hopes that a lot would be accomplished. After all, it was to be completed Nov. 1 and it was Nov. 14 and the metal roof wasn't even on. This week we were looking for the metal siding to be put on, the roof to be completed, the fireplace to be built, the utility room and screen porch to be completed, and the wiring and plumbing to be started, if not, completed. We didn't really hear much from the builder this week other then an email stating that the electrician/plumber did not come on the day he said he was going to. Needless to say, the only thing that happened was that the electrician/plumber did get started on Friday, and, well, that's about it. Our builder has missed his stated completion date, and now, we are pushing him to give us another date. Progress is slow and frustration has set in.

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